Title: Work Arrangement Modeling
Client: National Research Council Canada
Problem: As Canada moves through the stages of re-opening the economy while respecting the objectives to keep employees and contractors safe and limiting the spread of COVID-19, the National Research Council (NRC) has taken the opportunity to look to the future and define how to best conduct its operations moving forward.
Solution: Nīewe Consulting (formerly Baiame) conducted a work arrangement modelling exercise to identify possible on and offsite work arrangement scenarios for NRC’s staff and non-salaried workers, outlining key characteristics that must be taken into consideration, and identify plausible roadblocks for implementing these scenarios. Key characteristics included examining the social, economic and environmental impact of the work scenarios. The engagement also assessed the enhanced accessibility and the potential to attract a more diverse and inclusive workforce by offering remote working opportunities to groups that would not otherwise have had access to these opportunities.
Impact: With the completion of the modelling exercise, Nīewe Consulting (formerly Baiame) provided NRC’s senior management members with robust quantitative and qualitative findings that would help inform effective decision-making regarding the various work arrangement scenarios best suited for their operations. These findings were established through extensive document review, interviews, and external research, which provided the organization with key characteristics and supporting work arrangement principles that would enable the organization to create a more agile, flexible and resilient work structure for the future.