Title: Community Development “Check In”
Client: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) - Office of the Comptroller General (OCG)
Problem: The OCG began the implementation of its Financial Management (FM) community development program in 2015, the objective being to attract and develop an agile and sustainable financial management workforce. Three years after the implementation of the program, the Association of Canadian Financial Officers (ACFO) and the OCG wanted to review the community development program to assess the strategic path that has been chosen, the results achieved to date and planned for the future, the impact on and expectations of the community and the changing environment in which FM community development is taking place.
Solution: Nīewe Consulting (formerly Baiame)was engaged to conduct a pulse check with key stakeholders both within and external to the financial management community to identify what the FM community development program has achieved to date and identify the direction in which it should continue with the overall scope and objective of the program in mind. Nīewe held numerous working groups, administered surveys, reviewed case studies and conducted detailed data analytics to develop recommendations on how the OCG can adjust and fine-tune its activities to ensure its activities continue to achieve the program’s objectives.
Impact: The results of the pulse check enabled the community development program to understand their current impact in the FM community and to identify activities that will ensure that the program reaches its overall objectives.